Friday, 26 February 2016

Ill Manors e-media: website analysis

Ill Manors blog task

Answer the following questions on your blog:
  1. What examples can you find of the Ill Manors brand on the Ill Manors website homepage screengrab above? The Ill Manors logo is being used as a brand rather than a film name. I think this because the screenbag above from the Ill Manors' website its logo in big and bold for the viewer to recognise first despite its positioning. The name is being used as a hashtag which is a clever idea because it is free advertisement. Plus, its target audience uses social media and would be updated with the latest facts about the brand if their account shows any history of liking any of the Ill Manors content. In addition, we see the dark and dangerous estate of London in the background with thugs blocking any trespassers. Also, at the bottom of the image it includes a blade which has consistently been used in several other Ill Manors' advertisements. It must connote death and chaos as it is a weapon which can do significant damage. With the cold hearts of these criminals, viewers are left to believe they will show no mercy when handling the weapon as portrayed in the film.

2. How does the website encourage the audience to buy or interact with Ill Manors products?

On the top of the page in capitals it notes 'on blu-ray, dvd, download and on-demand now' which instantly attracts the readers attention. 

3. Look at Plan B's official website. How does it use social media in terms of content and design? 

There are links to their social networking account at the top of the website which allows users to get closer to Ill Manors and Plan B. They can take an interest in debates and campaigns which can take them off the streets and possibly reduce crimes. Also, for Plan B it is another method of advertising his productions. The website expresses music with links to concerts, music channels and performances.

4. Scroll back through the wall to look at posts from around the release date of Ill Manors. How does this statement on Ill Manors link to other texts we have studied as part of this case study? Do you agree with his claim that he "won't justify" the riots? 

As weather can present the characters' mood, the overcast weather shows how they are angry. This links to Plan B's ted lecture because he talks about youth reacting in violence because of their anger to the government. This violence could also be seen with the use of props as one of the characters is holding gun, thus showing violence.

5. Why do you think social media is overtaking official websites in terms of film promotion?

  Twitter and Facebook. The links to social media are important because of the target audience of this film. As the target audience of this film are youth, social media would be vital because majority of users online are youth.  

Ill Manors: e-media off-site research

Ill Manors e-media: Tag London campaign

1.Summarise the Ill Manors Tag London campaign in 100 of your own words.
Fans were encouraged to tweet the hash-tag and say what they think about the current state of Britain to receive an exclusive sink peek of the tracks in ill manors before it was fully released. Nearly 300 of the 5,000 tweets revived within the 5 days were tagged by graffiti artists and projected around the city of London. The locations and images of these messages were then broadcast via the micro-site and Twitter users whose tweets had been tagged were messaged directly. With over 1.3k tweets on the day of realise compared to the previous week’s daily average of 220 tweets per day. To promote the album, Atlantic Records partnered with live stream production company LoveLive to deliver a live stream event of the album launch party to YouTube. The key objective of the campaign was to reflect the true nature of the album and mainly to connect with the fans. Twitter was the ideal platform to use for this campaign as it connected with the audience not just socially but politicly as well as they were able to voice their opinions about Britain today. 

2. How does the Ill Manors Tag London campaign help to promote the film?
The campaign helps to promote the film as it connected with the fans socially and politicly. Twitter users that follow Plan B or see it trending will read about it and may decide to take part, which therefore makes them want to listen to the album and watch the film. The fact that you get an excursive link to the tracks used in ill manors incises the audience and once they listen to the tracks they will then hopefully go onto watch the film. 

3. What synergy (links) can you find between the Tag London campaign and other texts you have studied as part of the Ill Manors case study?
There is a link between the campaign and the broadcast platform, which both gives us an insight to Plan B's ideologies and beliefs. Also, there is a link between the print side and the campaign as there are social media links  on the for example posters and billboards, which takes you to the twitter campaign and therefore promotes the album and the film.

4. Why might user-generated campaigns like this be more successful than traditional media campaigns?
The audience are the people who pay to watch the film or listen to the album there this can be more effective then traditional campaigns. This is good because it allows us to have a base which isn't biased, and therefore we do not get false information.  Also, for low budget films like this it is cost effective as it is cheaper than traditional campaigns.  

5. Choose FIVE of the tweets above and for each one write what target audience the tweet could appeal to (demographics/psychographics) and then link the tweet to one other media text you have studied as part of the Ill Manors case study (TEDx lecture, music video etc.) Justify your link for each tweet using examples from the film/promotional material.


This tweet would target urban youth demographic as it sounds like it has been written by someone that likes Plan Bs music and believes in what he stands for. This would appeal to reformers as it condemns the actions that the government outline in the UK, as they don't believe they speak the truth.


This tweet would target mainly the urban youth demographic as it is aiming to voice their feelings to the people higher up in the social system. This is particular with the word inclusion, which shows how they feel as part of their society, which is basically excluded. This is very similar to the Radio campaign we saw as Plan B explained how he was excluded in his past experiences. 


This tweet would target again the urban youth demographic as it allows the audience to voice their opinions surrounding the government. It would apeal to reforms and struggers as they would mainly be against the conservative government. 


Again, this would target urban youth culture and in terms of psychographics would appeal to the aspirers, main streamers and resigned as they want everybody who has this stereotypical impression of the youth to understand that they are not all evil.


This tweet would appeal to strugglers and reformers and again the youth demographic or people that are struggling generally. This tweet suggests that the government is all to blame as it states 'The Olympics will destroy London'.

Ill Manors print: branding

1. The title is in front of the character which would attract the audience. This is useful as the audience would be able to spot the title first. Therefore, the brand can become a brand for the film which can be used to promote the films in other ways. Also, the gun connotes something dangerous and thrilling about the film. I believe the use of the gun and council estates also connotes Plan B's ideologies will probably be displayed in the film. We can use Perkin's theory to suggest stereotypes about youth from estates are dangerous. Also, the use of the star ratings would be able to attract an audience as there are quotes below from film reviewers assuring people the film is worth watching. 
2. The font is the same throughout all promotions of the film including the cross promotion between the music video and film. It uses a distinctive font which appears similar to blocks from an estate. This is important as it would be able to construct a link between the film and album with the title. The text at the top of the print image cross promotes another film Plan B is in which people may have seen and enjoyed because of Plan B's acting (may be a fan through 'Sweeny').
3. As mentioned before, synergy is used at the top of the DVD cover which mentions Plan B acting in the Sweeny. This means that audiences who watched Sweeny and liked Plan B's acting may want to watch his new film because they are a fan. Furthermore, the use of the same font/name 'Ill Manors' is that it creates synergy between the music video and the film. Therefore, a brand can be formed quicker as people will acknowledge the producer of both productions.

1. The use of the font being enlarged, having the same font and colour as other print promotion is that the audience will be able to associate it to the producer and music video. This means that the title becomes a brand for the film. In addition, the blade is used to connote something deadly about the narrative of the film. As it's a large image, it would catch the audiences attention and they could be able to put the costume Plan B is wearing and his attitude with the dangerous weapon.
2. The background of where this billboard is positioned doesn't look pleasant which could be deliberate to suggest the narrative is going to be similar to the setting of the billboard.Furthermore, the background of the print image includes council estates which an audience interested in the film will realise is significantly emphasised in several other print media.
3. The font of the title is similar to the font of his album which also has the same name 'Ill Manors'.   

1. The title again is the same as other print adverts. This is done deliberately to create a brand. The audience would associate the brand with the film/music. The colour of the image is dull and implies a negative and deadly narrative of the film. The use of the house with graffiti suggests youth destruction to the environment and there carelessness to society. It reinforces the stereotype of young people being heavily linked with crime. 
2. Again, the title would allow the viewer to identity the producer of the content because they probably would have seen it before from other print adverts or Plan B's album.
3. The synergy is used between the film and music video promotion. Also, the use of social media links (hashtag) would allow the audience to get closer to the film and see their associates.

Friday, 12 February 2016

Ill Manors: Broadcast platform concluded

DVD extras
Watch the Making Of Ill Manors from the DVD extras. (Watch in class - unavailable online).

1) What does this tell us about Plan B's intentions in making the film?
Plan b wanted to create a realistic setting when creating the film ill Manors because he set it in a council estate where he grew up. From this we can suggest Plan B wanted the film to be as realistic as possible and not have to decorate a random location in the East of London.

2) What do we learn about the production process for Ill Manors?
Ben Drew was eager in finding hidden talent from kids who lived in council estates. For the production for the film, he wanted to commence auditions in the local area of Forest Gate, East London. Therefore, we can identify Plan B's beliefs being portrayed as he attempts to improve their hopeless lives. This shows he is serious about aiding people living council estates through the production process of his film ill manors.

3) What can you tell about the possible target audience from this short documentary?
The documentary suggests the target audience is potentially for people who live similar lives to the artificial lives of the characters in Ill Manors. That would be strugglers from thephsychographics and some of the working class and unemployed citizens- demographics. I believe this because they would be able to relate to the film significantly with the sex, violence and drugs. Those three things are heavily linked with council estates which have now been constructed as stereotypes of those areas which has now become a dominant ideology. Also, I believe the film is supposed to send a message out to viewers which means there is a possibility people with opposite lives could watch the film in order to get a better understanding of the struggle of living in urban decaying estates.

4) Does the film successfully do what director Ben Drew (Plan B) set out to achieve? Explain your answer with reference to both the film and the 'making of' documentary.
 Plan B successfully told the story of the outcaster's lives in society. The film allowed the viewers to build an emotional connections with most of the characters in the film from the prostitutes to the main characters. Without thinking, the viewers would have sympathy for the characters from the film because of their situation when they would normally ignore/blame these people who live those lives in real life. Their ideology could change because they were able to view the topic about council estates kids in a different perspective. Plan B said he wanted each character to display a different style of life but have them lead to the same place in life in the documentary because they are without jobs so have to make money illegally.  

Watch Plan B interviewed by SBTV while he was editing Ill Manors.

1) What is SBTV? Research the channel and explain how it became successful.

BTV is a YouTube channel that uploads songs of hip hop from people with good talent. It gives these people a chance to do something good with their lives as they can peruse a career in the music industry. It was founded in November of 2006 by Jamal Edwards who was a teenager at the time. The channel became successful because he hosted artists like Dizzeey Rascal, Tinchy Stryder and Chipmunk which attracted a wide range of audiences who loved their music. The target audience is for people of council estates with difficult lives. From thephsychographics they would be strugglers and potentially mainstreamers because they would want to fit in with other people who like hip hop or live dangerous lives (young mainstreamers). From the demographics, some of the working classunemployed and uneducated people are the target audience for the interview because they are probably interested in Plan B's Ill Manors. Also, his fan base would watch this as they are followers of his adventures.

2) What is the audience appeal for an interview like this? How does the opening of the clip emphasise this appeal?

The audience appeal for the interview would be the informal language used to represent a realistic setting and conversation. Its as if the interviewer (nobody) knows Plan B who is famous which would make the audience feel like they have an opportunity of meeting someone famous because Sean Sagar was able to.

3) How is Plan B (the brand) represented in this text?

 Plan B is represented as an ordinary person because he acts and talks in a manor that histarget audience would. It seems as if he wants to be seen as an  uneducated person who was able to pounce on the slightest opportunity available to him and now he tries to influence young people into doing the same thing.

Watch Plan B interviewed on the Jonathan Ross show.

1) The Jonathan Ross show used to be aired on BBC One until he was released from them in 2010 because of the offensive things he had said. It now appears on ITV 1 on a Saturday night. The alternative audience to his music audience would be the target audience of the interview because they watch the show already. If they hear he will be on the show, it may persuade them to hear what he has to say about the lifestyle of council estate kids.  From the demographicspeople of the working class, lower middle class and some of the middle class may watch this as they would watch the show or want to hear Plan B's views.

2) The opening of the clip appeals to the teenage audience through the colloquial language used. The use of the swearing means that the youth of our generation can feel like they are in a normal environment, and nothing is artificial. This can allow them to build a relationship with these celebrities

3)Someone that is very dedicated and passionate about this film. However there is other side to him that swears and jokes around which can remind the audience that he is just like us, the youth culture, which promotes realism.


1) How popular is BBC Radio 1? Find average listening figures for the station. How has the BBC Radio 1 audience declined over recent years? Why might this have happened?

BBC 1 Radio isn't really popular in terms of other media sources, such as tv. The average listening figures for this station are 53,502(2014). BBC 1 radio has declined over the years as there has been an increase in their competitor market as more people have started to listen to music on-line or through social media. This is one of the reasons as to why it may have decreased.

2) Who is the target audience for BBC Radio 1?

BBC Radio 1 is a British radio station operated by the British Broadcasting Corporation which also broadcasts internationally, specialising in modern and current popular music and chart hits throughout the day. Radio 1 provides alternative genres after 7:00 pm, including electronic dance, hip hop, rock, indie or interviews. It is aimed primarily at the 15–29 age group.

3) How does Plan B promote Ill Manors in this interview?
 Plan B talks about his dedication in making the film Ill Manors. He talks about the opportunity he has provided the young kids of forest Gate.He mentions that he had to complete shots of phones and mini sim chips. This was attempted to target his audience in the movie. He also mentioned the faith he has in his actors, as they were all unknown but he believed he would be able to turn them into successful and well established artists. 

4) What representation of Plan B can we find in this interview?

The representation of Plan B that we can find in this interview is that he is a very dedicated young man, however that he is also very last minute. We are told that he was the mastermind behind the music, directing and editing. It consisted of creativity and patience, but he told us it was all worth the stress, as it was a successful film at the end of it all. As a director, Plan B learnt that he will not leave things to the last minute, and that he has high hopes for his 

Monday, 8 February 2016

Ill Manors: Print platform

What different aspects should make up our study of the print platform for Ill Manors?
  • Newspaper/magazine Ill Manors reviews
  • Newspaper/magazine Plan B interviews
  • Newspaper/magazine features/profiles/ opinion pieces (columns)
  • Print adverts
  • Billboard adverts
  • DVD/CD soundtrack packaging

Key word: synergy
The process through which a series of media products derived from the same text is promoted in and through each other.

(Easy way to remember synergy: LINKS between different platforms/texts.)

How can we find examples of synergy in the promotion of Ill Manors?

Ill Manors offers an excellent example of synergy because the film is cross-promoted by the soundtrack album of the same name. 

Marketing and advertising promotes both the film and the album – while the political element of both is highlighted through interviews, TEDx lectures and more.

Print platform: blog tasks

Read the following print articles:

For EACH of the four interviews, embed an image or screengrab from that magazine's brand and work through the following questions and tasks:

1) Identify the target audience (demographics/psycho graphics) for this magazine. How is that particular audience attracted?
2) Does the article do more than just entertain? How? (Think of Uses and Gratifications theory) What audience pleasures does the article offer?
3) What codes/conventions of print interviews can you find in the article? 
4) How is narrative used to tell a story in each interview? Clue: what is it that keeps the reader interested in the article to the very end?
5) What synergy can you find between this text and the broadcast examples we have studied so far?

Men’s Health interview

1) In terms of demographics I think the target audience for this magazine would be category B middle class people and in terms of psycho graphics I think they would be aspirers. I think this audience would be attracted to this magazine as they want to appear rich and wealthy towards others and from the film cover we can see plan B modelling some expensive clothing items.
2)The article not only entertains the reader but also informs them about his routine on slimming down. In terms of the uses and gratifications theory, Men's health's main aim would be surveillance as the magazine provides the reader with information about dieting and things that would help them in their day to day lives.

NME Magazine interview

Guardian interview

Daily Mail review of Ill Manors

Monday, 1 February 2016

Ill Manors: TEDx lecture blog task

2) Make notes on the lecture: focus on Plan B/Ben Drew's views on the opportunities for young people in London and how these inspired Ill Manors.

  • He didn't have respect for the authority in the past.
  • His view was that the youths that came from dysfunctional families didn't think that they belonged in society 
  • The youths believed rap music guided them

3) What are Plan B's beliefs/politics? What are his values/ideologies? Explain your answers.

Plan B strongly believes that the youth are undermined and are represented to be violent and dangerous people due to their underclass background in society. He is against the government and their policies stating that they are not doing enough to keep kids off the street by closing down youth centres. He believes that all kids should be treated equally, whether they come from a council estate or mansion, or whether they were lucky enough to be born into a caring family or were unlucky to be born into a dysfunctional family. His ideology stems from his past experiences growing up within a dysfunctional family, and being kicked out of school. The word 'chav' used to mean something affectionate to him but now is used to label and demonise the people that live on council estates and he feels strongly about the fact that it is almost like classism opposed to racism.

4) Who is the target audience of the TEDx lecture? Demographics? Psychographics? How do you know? How does this compare to the audience for his music/films?

I think the target audience is for individuals who don't know much about council homes other than what the media advises them of. These individuals who have just about gotten to be subject to the media would maybe need to listen to an alternate point of view of the condition of youngsters living in homes. There would practically be an even part in the middle of guys and females on the grounds that the discussion is coordinated to individuals of London and the ages would most likely fluctuate. However, this depends on the demographics and psychographics they go under.  An older audience may be from working class, lower middle class and some of the middle class(mainstreamers and aspirers). The more youthful audience would originate from a portion of the working class and lower as it is significant to them (strugglers). Additionally, the fan base of Plan B would need to watch this and support him since his tunes are like his discussion however the discussion is only a political method for getting his voice listened. The audience from his music is practically like the target audience of the discourse. Be that as it may, the more seasoned audience would most likely not listen to the music in light of the fact that the verses may not be pertinent to their (more) fruitful lives.

5) What does Plan B say about the media? Explain how this can be linked to Cohen's media theory of moral panicsRead this summary of moral panics and the definition from Wikipedia and use them in your answer.

Plan B believes the media conveys the youth in only a negative way, and almost demonises them. He believes that by the media doing this and stereotyping them to be "CHAVS" they're going to be against being a part of society and decide to riot, as they've feel like they've been pushed out due to coming from a less fortunate family. According to Stanley Cohen, a moral panic occurs "When a person or group of persons emerges to become defined as a threat to societal values and interests" and people who 
threaten the social order have been described as"folk devils".
Moral panics raise a strong theme of concern as there's some wrong behavior going on that has a negative impact on society.